EF #29: About Someone

(Gambar dari pinterest dan bemysearch)

As the title says, this week challenge is about someone(s). You can write anything. About someone who teaches you more about life (it could be as unexpected as your son or daughter!). About someone who inspires you (it may be a famous person or even a taxi driver you just met!). About the one whom you’ve been waiting for to spend the rest of your life, but you haven’t met yet 🙂 (hey, people say that what we say and think are our prayers.. so why don’t we write it.. who knows that one of the readers might be ‘the one’? 😉 )

Or you might want to tell about a couple who becomes your role model (your parents? Habibie – Ainun? Or else?). Or you might think of someone who introduced you to the blogging world (and share the story about your blog as well..). Or about someone who made you love (or hate) learning English so much (your English teacher? a random stranger?). Or you might remember someone whom you want to say sorry to, but you haven’t… :(. Or someone whom you want to thank, but you haven’t. . .

Well, we are sure there are some many stories to tell, so write them and share them with us :). This is also a good chance to practice our latest topic (Relative pronouns – “who” and “whom”). So, we’ll be looking forward to your posts! Share the link to your post (or read others’ posts) in the inlinkz below:

Have fun!

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*Let’s learn together! One selected post will be reviewed by one of our mentors. By the way, have you read the latest review?

*Check also our previous challenges: 

11 thoughts on “EF #29: About Someone

  1. Febriyan Lukito says:

    Someone who inspired me in blogging – Dani. Someone who inspired me in writing travel things – Gara n Deva. Someone who inspired me to write in more logic manner – Nita n Andik. Someone who inspired me to go abroad (again) – Vita.
    So many someone. Hahaha. I hope I can read many posts for this challenge. 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    • BEC says:

      Halo 🙂 Silakan klik tombol inlinkz yang ada di akhir post ini ya, nanti kelihatan tanggal terakhir bisa mengumpulkan link post (yaitu Jumat minggu depan). Yuk ikutan 😀

      Oya, mas Didin masih boleh kok menulis post tantangan-tantangan sebelumnya yang daftar inlinkznya sudah ditutup. Tuliskan saja link mas Didin di kolom komentar. Tapi, ini berarti tidak ada kesempatan untuk direview oleh mentor ya 🙂


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