Are You Under or Over Insured? [EF 16.14]

Hi you all!  It is me again writing for the blog.  grin

For the past few months my job had robbed me of my blogging time. Thus I was unable to post anything here. But I’m still around!

Then yesterday,  when Vita asked what should we post today,  I half intently browsed what this month is all about. I used the keyword “September is the month of what?”

Haha! Then I landed on this Wikipedia:


And guess what? With personal finance niche that I pick for my own blog,  I jokingly suggested to the admin what if the challenge for today is to ask the members of BEC tell us their opinion/experience regarding insurance?

Never thought that everyone would agree to use the topic. As it is a topic which not many of us familiar with.

So we decided to challenge you all to write what is your opinion about insurance or what kind of experience you have in this field. You can cover every angle of it in your writing.  How to calculate the amount of insurance you need,  what kind of insurance you buy or maybe why one should never buy an insurance!

It will be an interesting start to learn to use financial related vocabulary (not to say in English!)  for your post,  won’t it?

You can also always use our previous English Essentials material for your post.

Don’t forget our simple rules below:

  1. Write your piece on your blog (any platform!) you can even use your Facebook Note!
  2. Maximum 700 words
  3. in English (of course, it is an English Writing Challenge)
  4. You may link your post here or not but most importantly:
  5. Fill this below inlinkz (click it and I swear it won’t do you any harm)Edit and you will still be able to fill in the form up to a month from today!

3 thoughts on “Are You Under or Over Insured? [EF 16.14]

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