Review Tantangan EF #29

Halo semuanya! Seperti biasanya, setiap hari Jumat, kita kembali lagi dengan post review tantangan yang bergantian dengan post tantangan. Hari ini kita akan menampilkan hasil review tantangan ke 29 dengan tema “Seseorang”, dan post terpilih kali ini adalah post dari Ponco Nugroho. ‘Seseorang’nya siapa ya? Kita baca sekalian post dan reviewnya di bawah ya…

Oh ya, dikarenakan kesibukan para mentor kita minggu lalu, tantangan 29 ini direview oleh “mentor tamu” kita 🙂 . Perkenalkan mbak Ai, seorang penerjemah dan penyunting lepas sekaligus seorang ibu di Bandung 🙂 . Kami mengucapkan terima kasih untuk Ponco dan mbak Ai atas kesediannya direview dan mereview, dan kepada para pembaca yang setia mengikuti post-post BEC 😀  (Btw, udah pada ikutan tantangan ke 30? Yuk ikutan, sekalian mencoba tips memanfaatkan fitur pengoreksi tata bahasa/ejaan yang sudah dibagi kemarin 🙂 ).

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I will write about the someone who became my inspiration (lebih tepatnya, about a person who has become my inspiration). I envy with his life. He like always gets what he wants. He got has a good life, he has got a good friends, and he got everything that I feel is good (he has everything that I like/I think is good). I envy with him cause (cause ini bukan kata baku, sebaiknya gunakan because)  I didn’t get everything like him. He and I are like a mirror, we have a difference different path.

I want to be like him, cause because he is my inspiration. I tried to follow everything like him he does. I follow (lebih tepat, go to –> went to) his elementary school where he studied. I follow  went to his senior high school where he studied too . But I failed to follow went to his university where he studied. And you know what? That’s make me sad. I can’t take the path like him again. But, not only about school, but also his hobby, and habit. I tried to study English like him. I’m trying to do what he did. (I’m trying to follow in his footsteps).

And maybe he know that I have many friends, and that I always look like happy, and like I don’t need him, but in my deep in my heart, I do need him,. (sebaiknya potong kalimat di sini) I need to tell him all about my problem, tell about my activity in my school, and maybe tell about the girl who whom I love. I want to tell many story stories to him. I want to be just like when we like we was were a child, played together.

I know, he doesn’t always gets what he wants. His world doesn’t is’nt perfect too. And I know he sometimes failed to reach his dream. He look looks like strong and (lebih logis pakai but) maybe in his deep in his heart he feels the pain too. Maybe I can’t stand beside him, and always look him from back (tidak mengerti dengan arti kalimat ini). He is the worst person I have ever met. But he is has always been my inspiration, my brother.

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Kalau boleh admin merangkum:

  1. Kata “envy” tidak perlu diikuti dengan “with”. (I envy him.)
  2. Frasa “Jauh di lubuk hati saya” diterjemahkan menjadi “Deep in my heart.”

No. 3 dan seterusnya, silakan para pembaca menambah atau mengoreksi tulisan ini ya, siapa tahu ada kekeliruan atau salah-salah ketik  🙂 . Terima kasih!

5 thoughts on “Review Tantangan EF #29

    • BEC says:

      Maaf baru membalas sekarang, karena komentarnya masuk ke spam 😀

      Kata “envy” sebagai kata kerja memang langsung diikuti objectnya. Bisa lihat contoh-contohnya di link berikut:

      I envy you = Saya iri padamu / denganmu.

      They envied his success. = They envied him for his success = Mereka iri dengan kesuksesannya.

      I envy the way you’ve made so many friends.
      I don’t envy your dental problems.


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