preposition of time

[Weekly Topic #2] Simple Past Tense and Preposition of Time

Hallo… jumpa lagi dengan Messy… di tralala trilili admin lagi errorabaikan*

Menyambung Weekly Topic #1, kali ini kami akan membahas tentang past tense dan preposition of time


Simple past tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan kegiatan yang sudah terjadi – masa lalu (bukan masala lu ya). Untuk lebih detail dapat dilihat pada infograph di bawah ini.

simple past tense

Simple Tense Part 2

Tabel Verbs bisa dilihat di sini:

Kuis dari Admin: Apa V2 dari LIE.


Preposition of time digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu tertentu. Yang biasa digunakan adalah At, In, dan On. Selain itu ada juga For dan Since. Infograph berikut menjelaskan lebih detail mengenai hal ini.

preposition of time

Preposition of Time


  • She met up with the new coach in the hallway.
  • The book fell off of the desk.
  • He threw the book out of the window.
  • She wouldn’t let the cat inside of the house.
  • Where did they go to?
  • Put the lamp in back of the couch.
  • Where is your college at?

Untuk latihan di atas, coba deh. Apakah preposition yang digunakan sudah tepat? Ataukah ada yang perlu diganti? Jawabannya bisa dikomen di bawah ya. 

Untuk refresh, bisa kembali membaca English Essential tentang How To Use In At On juga.

18 thoughts on “[Weekly Topic #2] Simple Past Tense and Preposition of Time

  1. arbiyanti says:

    Hallo Admins, thank you for the Weekly Topic #2. very helpful! btw, itu latihannya maksudnya diapain yaa? Kayanya harusnya Verb-nya dan Preposition-nya dihapus sebelum di-post, atau?? or what do we have to do with the exercise?

    Liked by 1 person

      • arbiyanti says:

        ooo gituuu, baiklah. terima kasih sdh ditambahin petunjuk cara mengerjakan latihannya.

        okay.. jadi sekarang mari coba dijawab (walopun kayanya kalimatnya bener2 ajah menurut gw 😀 ketahuan gak pinter grammar neh gw! hahaha)

        1. She met up with the new coach in the hallway (sdh benar IN)
        2. The book fell off from the desk (erase OF change with from)
        3. He threw the book out of the window (ini mana preposisi-nya? OF kah? jadi gw anggap sdh benar)
        4. She wouldn’t let the cat inside of the house (kayanya juga sdh benar)
        5. Where did they go to? (sdh benar, jawabannya nanti kan jadi.. they went to..)
        6. Put the lamp at back of the couch (IN ganti jadi AT)
        7. Where is your college at? (kayanya bener yaa, atau AT-nya jadi located)

        ditunggu penjelasan jawaban benarnya ya, Admins 🙂

        btw, tema-nya past tense dan preposition of time tapi kok latihannya…lebih ke preposition of place ya? hehehe.. sorry banyak komen ya, Mins 😀 thank youu

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Gara says:

    Siap, Min! I think I could understand it more clearly now. Terima kasih ya :hehe.

    Oh iya, numpang jawab deh.
    1. Kayaknya kalimat ini benar.
    2. The book fell off (from) the desk.
    3. Kayaknya bener, yah? He threw the book out of the window… iya kayaknya betul.
    4. She wouldn’t let the cat inside the house.
    5. Kayaknya bener.
    6. Put the lamp behind the couch (:hehe).
    7. Where is your college? (I prefer this one :hehe).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. rizzaumami says:

    (njawab tanpa lirik jawaban temen 🙂 )
    – She met up with the new coach in (AT) the hallway.
    – The book fell off of the desk. (without of)
    – He threw the book out of the window. (TRUE)
    – She wouldn’t let the cat inside of (without of) the house.
    – Where did they go to? (without to)
    Put the lamp in back of the couch.
    Where is your college at?

    Liked by 1 person

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