[Post Review] [EF#10-Weekly Challenge] Hot Spicy Petis

On March 18, 2015, we reviewed the post of EF#10 from Akang Abi Gilang. He posted on his blog about Hot Spicy Petis. You can see the original version there and compare it to this one, the revised one after reviewed.


Petis – Picture taken from Akang Abi Gilang’s post

Once again I write to face the last challenge from BEC on the last day, although I read it on the first day it was posted. I know this is not a good habit for a blogger to write close to deadline and I often miss an opportunity when I have an idea. I try to write about Indonesian food although I have limited experience in culinary. Until I graduated from Senior High School, I didn’t know what it was like eating at a fast food restaurant. So when the challenge asked me to write about foods I only tried to remember my childhood experiences.

 I lived in the village where people worked as farmers. My village is located in the foothills of XXX Mountains and is not far away from the jungle. There are so many kinds of fruits and vegetables planted by the farmers, such as chili, cucumber, guava and many kinds of beans. One of my favorite foods was made from these ingredients called petis. I believe petis is a popular dish in Indonesia. The basic ingredients are very simple: some salt, brown sugar, kencur and the most important thing – chili. Sometimes we can also add terasi  to make it more tasty. Grind all ingredients together in the mortar, add some water until mixed well and spicy, petis is ready to serve.

We could not eat petis without any fruits, because petis is the sauce to compliment the fruits. Ussualy I eat petis with cucumber, papaya, guava or mango. We better use fruits that are not too ripe. The young/unripe fruits are even better company to petis but it all depends to the personal preferences. Hot and spicy petis blended very well with fresh fruits in the mouth and it would make you want to eat it over and over again. But don’t forget, too much of hot and spicy petis can troubled your stomach.


What we can learn from this review are:

1. Reviewing is not an easy task to do, agree? We have to see everything, not only grammar, but also spelling, flow of the story, simplicity and deliverable of the story. Thumbs up to the mentors for all reviews they’ve done before and thank you to Abi Gilang, who want to volunteering. 🙂

2. Spelling is important. Check and re-check your post to ensure the spelling is correct. Your post could be damaged due to this errors.

3. Re-phrase if you must. Read again before hit publish button and re-phrase your words and sentences if you think it’s needed.

4. Do proofread – you can use WP’s proofread tool or any other proofread tool provided, such as grammarcheck.net.

13 thoughts on “[Post Review] [EF#10-Weekly Challenge] Hot Spicy Petis

  1. Gara says:

    Hah, one more proof proofreading and editing are daunting tasks, but they sure make huge improvements to our writing quality. *makin saksama membaca draft postingan*.\
    Thank you for all admins and mentors. Sure, all of you are great people. Meeting all of you, even though it’s just on the web, makes me very grateful :)).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. arbiyanti says:

    is this a new section? #post review?
    it’s a good idea to have the reviewed-post published in the blog! i visited the original post to actually know what/which sentence was reviewed. hope we can learn a lot from the review. great job, admins and reviewer 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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