BEC Giveaway – Club’s Identity – Closed

When it comes to identifying your brand, your logo is probably the first thing your customers will think of.

That is a quote we took from Yes, we know BEC is a group, online group, not a company, but we think we can incorporate that information regarding logo to this club also. Logo that said Blog English Club. Logo that will remain in all members mind, every time we mention Blog English Club.


Blog English Club

At the beginning, we are not expecting that this group is going to be as big as it is now. After a month, we are thinking to do some improvements, which are a blog, a twitter account, a gathering (very near in the future), and last but not least, logo transformation. Currently we already have one logo that was created by Nita. She used blue as a symbol of smart because we are learning to be smarter in English through BEC. But we think it’s not qualified as a good logo because the logo is blurred when we change it to a gray-scaled version.

Due to our limited capability to do logo, we think that it is the best to make some transformation of the logo. And then, we decided to do it as a Giveaway to all members of BEC, we have seen some of members’ post for this week and many came with logo creations. So here it is… The First Giveaway Blog English Club #LogoBECTransformation. As any other GA, this GA also have some rules as follows:

1. Already follow this blog

2. Logo submitted is original idea of participant. We strongly support intellectual property.

3. Member of BEC. Though our WhatsApp group is already full, you can still register so that we can keep our member data updated.

4. Create a logo for BEC that shows BEC’s identity. Remember the tagline of BEC – Connect, Learn and Having Fun.

5. Once you create the logo, please send to email and please do comment on this post that you already submit through email.

Deadline for this GA is on February 25th, 2015. There will be prizes from us, admins for the nominees.

The prizes are:

1. Raditya Dhika’s Koala Kumal book from Dani

2. Pemrograman Grafik dengan Java book from Andik

3. One Oriflame’s Tender Care Gift Box from Ryan

4. Dental toothbrush from Nita

5. Voucher gift from Deva

The chosen logo will be presented on Gathering. So, let’s transform our beloved BEC.


If you want to know more about what kind of color that is good to represent something, you can access the fastcompany link above.

The Giveaway is closed…. thank you for members that already participating.

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